A case of back to the future

Unlike Christ Jesus who was able to set men free, change hate to love, mourning to dancing and despair to joy, exponentially in a matter of years throughout the ancient world, today’s elite struggle to return the world back to Ancient Mystery Religion culture.

The battle for freedom is entering its last theatre or war, as they double down in efforts to return us to the Dark Ages. Agenda 21 missed its deadline of the opening of the 21st century, however they are determined that Agenda 2030 will be achieved by 2030. It is up to We the People to once again rise up to write our own history.

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The papal ruled thousand years Dark Age was broken by the Protestant Reformation opening the modern era of freedom of conscience, spiritual and temporal sovereignty. This galvanised the Holy See to call the first Council of Trent. The agenda? Find a solution to bring the masses back under the control of Rome.  

So, the council sanctioned the creation of a militant nefarious Order to deal with the growing problem. This Papal military arm was called the Jesuit Order, benignly marketed as the Society of Jesus (SJ). Their job was to devise a silent war against all heretics. To make it very clear who those heretics were they was spelt it out – ‘…I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all…Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth…’

For the last 500 years the Jesuits have waged relentless war, herding the people back to bondage, nations back to submission and reinstate the Pope on his seat. The ancient Seat of Jupiter in Rome (Revelation 2:13a).

The Jesuit Order have preferred a clandestine approach. Major cultural shifts, through Revolutions, pandemics, and wars are their work. In parallel, a slow approach, as their man, Mao’s long march through the institutions generates pressure from within.

In 1945 The United Nations (U.N.), the modern Vatican flag ship was created for a long march through institution in the West. On the back of WWI and WWII, WASP-nation-wars, young Caucasian men were conveniently murdered on the battlefield and while those at home were grieving and traumatised, the likes of the House of Rothschild, the Vatican bankers and Jesuit enablers, moved in earnest forming the U.N. Trojan horse.

‘…If you look at the documents from the United Nations bureaucracy, especially this United Nations Development programme [SDGs]…If you compare that to the decrees and the edicts of the Roman Emperor Diocletian about 300 A.D., you will find that the spirit…and quite a number of the details behind these things are exactly the same. So, how can it, therefore, be that supposedly in the culminating moments of the 20th Century the end of the second millennium, right after 2000 years of Christianity…that the main organism of world public opinion…the U.N. and all that goes with it, are able to come up with the monstrous plan so similar to that of Diocletian, and if implemented something that would indeed bring on what Diocletian did – a new Dark Age, which in the case of Diocletian lasted 500 years – a long “night” of the worst collapse of civilisation that we have seen in the West so far. Here is the paradox, how is it that the UN would elaborate a worldview that would be so similar, so congruent really, of that of Diocletian?’ Webster Tarpley, (1946-) American author, historian, journalist, lecturer.

By the end of the 20th Century the West so battered and changed the Pope through the U.N., effectively gained control.

‘Global sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.’ Professor Maurice King

With the publication of the socialist former prime minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland’s Our Common Future in 1987, buzz words such as sustainability helped set the common direction of most nations in the world. She was the former Director-General of the World Health Organization and member of The Elders, an international nongovernmental organization. Typically, the elite rewarded her with the Charlemagne Prize. It was the tyrannical Charlemagne, a staunch defender of the Papacy, who named the European continent after the Ancient Mystery goddess Europa in the 1st Century AD.

‘…To this end, we appeal to “citizens” groups, to non-governmental organizations, to educational institutions, and to the scientific community. They have all played indispensable roles in the creation of public awareness and political change in the past. They will play a crucial part in putting the world onto sustainable development paths, in laying the groundwork for Our Common Future.’ Our Common Future, Page 9 (Also known as the Brundtland Report)

‘The Essential Role of Cities in Sustainable Development – While there are numerous definitions of sustainable development, many start with the definition provided in the 1987 Brundtland Report: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” [precautionary approach] The goals for sustainable cities are grounded on a similar understanding— urban development which strives to meet the essential needs of all, without overstepping the limitations of the natural environment. A sustainable city has to achieve a dynamic balance among economic, environmental and socio-cultural development goals, framed within a local governance system characterized by deep citizen involvement and inclusiveness.’ United Nations Habitat, World cities Report 2016, P.38

From whistleblower estimates it is thought that at least 500,000 Jesuits are “relentlessly waging”, quietly guiding, subtly blackmailing leaders around the globe.

The Earth Summit in Rio was the culminating summit of several well attended priors as far back as the 1960’s and early 1970’s. In parallel the Rothschilds, British Royals, and Rockefellers set up their sustainable development movement founding the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF), the Club of Rome, the World Wilderness Conferences, and the WWF-affiliated 1001 Club.

Semi-clandestine U.N. planning sessions steered by Baron Edmund de Rothschild at Maurice Strong’s Colorado ranch in the late 1980s culminated the decade of preparation needed for the success of the Rio Earth Summit, 1992.

‘(In 1987) I attended The Fourth World Wilderness Congress. Maurice Strong, the convener, said it was called the Fourth World because it was the fourth one of these environment congresses that Edmund de Rothschild had created. I learned later that the World Order refers to the coming One World Government as the Fourth World, or world control by the World Order where there is no more First, Second, or Third Worlds, just a boundary-less planet which is called the “fourth world wilderness.” Yogis and shamans refer to it as the “fourth world wilderness,” the “lostness of the mind.” “The lostness of the mind” refers to the collective consciousness. Persons will be coerced through lies, drugs, fear, and pain to surrender themselves, their egos to the collective consciousness.’ George Hunt, Whistle-blower inner-circle attendee of UNCED 1992

The Rio Earth Summit was the well organised U.N. Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), to distance the people of the world from the Jesuit’s real agenda’. It was at this summit that leaders of the world, without democratic debate rubber stamped their commitment to a one world government. After all, UNCED, stripped of its guise is ‘unsaid’, as in, do not tell the public the truth. All the documentation was already printed and bound before the summit opened, leaving no room for discussion.

The Logo, a well-crafted piece of esoteric knowledge spoke over the heads of the public. A world sits in a hand; and that hand is the hand of the elites. Complete with the declaration, ‘In Our Hands’.  All part of their word trickery to fool the ignorant.

‘Was it not inevitable that the UN would sooner or later also acquire a spiritual dimension?’ Robert Muller, former Chancellor of the UN University of Peace, Former Secretary General of United Nations, occultist, author of Core Curriculum and student of Alice Bailey, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness, P.164

This summit was a celebration of achievement for the elite. They were well underway bringing in their one world religion of sun worship. And so, unofficially Lucifer was honoured outside of the conference walls. On the eve of the Conference, a midnight-to-dawn mass was held on Leme Beach to the Planet Venus.

Having caroused through the night, the heightened worshipers followed their pagan Brazilian high priestess to the water’s edge, where they offered flowers and fruits to the goddess, known in Brazil as “Iemanje, mae orixa. She is Aphrodite of the Greeks or Venus of the Romans – esoterically she is Satan.

Once the conference was dedicated to her/him, she was asked to bless the attendees and the summit sham deliberations.

The black magic did not stop there. A group calling themselves Sacred Drums of the Earth, performed and continued to keep a drum beat in the rhythm of a heartbeat positioning themselves close to the Earth Summit venue. It was a Mithraic ritual for the healing of the Earth.  The beats were to open a portal to the spirit of each attendee, to allow Venus to guide their thoughts discussions and deliberations and to birth a goodly outcome for the Ancient Mystery Religion goddess Gaia – Mother Earth.

‘…maintain a continuous heartbeat near the official site of the Earth Summit, as part of a ritual for the healing of our Earth to be felt by those who are deciding Earth’s fate.’ Sacred Drums of the Earth group

‘There are drums which are ceremonially fed the night before a gathering, and then “put to bed” to bolster their strength.’ HEAR THAT LONG SNAKE MOAN By Michael Ventura, From SHADOW DANCING IN THE USA, 1985, P.7

Maurice Strong, the Convener of the Rio Earth Summit introduced Edmund de Rothschild as a positive synthesis (Hegelian synthesis) of environment on the one hand (thesis), while pushing urban growth and development on the other (antithesis),  thus gaining the elite desired Agenda 21 and SDGs (synthesis). Statements hidden in plain sight as Agenda 21/2030 was ushered in with the people’s blessing.

The elite understand, they can cause the chaos and suggest the solution to bring order, and if done well, the people will run with the programme. Ordo Ad Chaos is the motto of the Luciferian, Masonic elitist Roman Catholic Jesuit’s – Order out of chaos.

Slowly, cautiously over 30 years as Strong predicted, world control is fully in their hands; the Rio Conference the launch party. The summit was described by Time magazine as a ‘New Age carnival.’

‘Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of human society; unlike anything the world has ever experienced. A major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand a concern for the environmental consequences at every human action will be integrated into individual and collective decision making at every level.’ President George Bush Sr. 1992

Sustainable Development is being sold as the only way an individual can have autonomy and be in harmony with nature. The elite’s belief that goddess Gaia, Mother Earth’s surface must not be ‘scratched’. The outcome will be people will not be anywhere near nature, no farming, no pet ownership.  Media are playing their part in behaviour change and nudging, and some governments are priming the public.

‘Pets are a tremendous drag on the planet, and it’s not like we even need them.’ The Spectator, Sean Thomas, Is your pet killing the planet 9 sept 2023

‘In fact, there was an idea at one moment that we might have to ask the public to exterminate all the cats in Britain.’ James Bethell, former Health Minister UK Parliament.

Fritjof Capra, Earth Charter International Council member, propagates the belief ‘Ecology and spirituality are fundamentally connected because deep ecological awareness ultimately is spiritual awareness.’’

Behind the U.N. and its SDGs sits Pope Francis full of anticipation as he sees the earth returning to his control. Although Pope Benedict is known as the first Green Pope, Francis will not be out done. In his 184-page Encyclical letter of 2015 the Pontiff mentioned ecosystems over 200 times. He had a message to deliver, albeit a word-salad!


‘Here, I would like to offer Christians a few suggestions for an ecological spirituality grounded [not in scripture] in the con­victions of our faith, since the teachings of the Gospel have direct consequences for our way of thinking, feeling and living. More than in ideas or concepts as such, I am interested in how such a spirituality can motivate us to a more passion­ate concern for the protection of our world. A commitment this lofty cannot be sustained by doctrine alone, without a spirituality capable of inspiring us, without an “interior impulse which encourages, motivates, nourishes and gives meaning to our individual and communal activi­ty”.’

Time to stand, hold tight to our culture, and say NO!

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