Son of Spain, 2012

Son of Spain, 2012, Antoinette James (Historical Novel)
Diego Velázquez lived in 17th Century in Roman Catholic Spain. He was a court painter to the Habsburg King, Phelipe IV. With Jesuit Counter-Reformation familiares ever at work, the burning of heretics, Protestants, and liberals at the annual Auto da Fe, kept freedom of conscience and speech at nought. Against a backdrop of rich European history, artists and nobles come alive once again in a tangle of espionage and counterespionage.



Son of Spain, 2012, Antoinette James (Historical Novel)
Diego Velázquez lived in 17th Century in Roman Catholic Spain. He was a court painter to the Habsburg King, Phelipe IV. With Jesuit Counter-Reformation familiares ever at work, the burning of heretics, Protestants, and liberals at the annual Auto da Fe, kept freedom of conscience and speech at nought. Against a backdrop of rich European history, artists and nobles come alive once again in a tangle of espionage and counterespionage. Accusations of Diego’s heretical ways come before the Spanish Inquisition.
Son of Spain is a sobering reminder to We the People that Papal cannon laws and doctrines destroy freedoms. Today the Pope through the UN’s Agenda 21/2030 is taking the world back to the Dark Ages. This fiction is supported by an historical timeline inside the back cover. Son of Spain makes an easy read of Europe under Papal tyranny.


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