Companies and nations caught between a (Black)rock and a hard place

ESG rating is a herding tool. Used as a carrot for the willing and a stick for the unwilling. However, whether carrot or stick, ESGs have one thing in common, they are tools in the hands of the ruling class administered in a top-down manner. Dangled inducement or sharp prod, the concept originates in the mentality of the ruling class through the ages.

Elite owned big corporations such as Disney gain compliance from their CEOs with the carrot. Committed to the cause at all costs the CEOs decision outcomes are financial suicide. Wayward companies like Target and Bud Light that strayed from following the carrot, in reaction to the financial pain, are introduced to the stick. They have been caught between a (Black) rock and a hard place.

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Yet, this style of business is not a new phenomenon; the ‘carrot and stick’ is a new metaphor for the ancient ‘crook and flail’.

The elite, the 1% of the 1% hold Aristotelian/Darwinian worldviews reinforcing the mindset that they are born to rule. This belief means only one thing, – ‘the masses’ as Karl Marx’s called We the People, ‘the cannon fodder’ as International Banker David Lang called We the People, along with other ‘derogatorys’ such as ‘Goyim’, ‘useless eaters’, ‘the great unwashed’ – are born to be ruled.

Discussing billions of misappropriated dollars, an insider recorded this- ‘…I suggest therefore, that this be sold, not through a democratic process. That would take too long and devour far too much of the funds to educate the cannon fodder unfortunately which populates the earth. We need to take the most elitist programme that we can see…’ David Lang, Canadian International Banker, Elitists conference early 2000s.

The elites ancient Luciferian sun-worshipping culture can only succeed by demanding compliance, making the use of the ‘carrot and stick’ ‘crook and flail’ a convenient trusted business model.

This business model incapsulated in the ESGs follows decades if not hundreds of years of top-down herding initiatives.

Der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen (The long march through the institutions),  was a statement from the 1960’s German activist Rudi Dutsche (1940-1970). He attempted to subvert society by infiltrating institutions, creating revolutionary change from within; a Fabián like agenda, of “unpacking institutions”. A more covert way to disrupt procedures and protocols, replacing them with a more socialist top-down system of operation. Dutsche borrowed the saying from the Chinese Communists, who like Hitler’s left-wing National Socialist Party, insisted on marching armies and youth tirelessly across the land.

‘Let me tell you this: that I regard your notion of the ‘long march through the institutions’ as the only effective way…’ Marcuse, 1971

ESG’s, crook and flail model are supported by other institutions, banking being most useful. The dissident Canadian trucker protest felt the dictatorial hand of the banks when their accounts were frozen for the crime of actioning freedom of conscience. The politically motivated banks have operated in the same way in other Western nations over recent years. And now, it would appear, African nations are feeling the flail for stepping off the Jesuit run U.N. narrative-plantation.

The World bank stopped all loans to Uganda because Uganda asserted independence and sovereignty of thought. Uganda passed an anti-gay bill where homosexuals in some cases will face the death penalty. Although that may seem harsh to our Western sensibilities, it would be a mistake to miss the real point – Uganda is yet another canary in the globalist coal mine, that should wakeup the sleeping. The West should be very concerned.  The globalists have a genocide programme rolling out, that makes Uganda human rights issue look insignificant in comparison.

The World Bank Group cited that Uganda was not reflecting their values. The bank feels that such laws will not eradicate poverty!

But what is really happening here is an independent and sovereign nation is being punished from the outside the country by a private Vatican banking cartel.

The discriminatory illogical values of the World Bank Group did not go unnoticed on social media. As the Luciferian left’s inept logic went public the more self-determined savvy individuals pointed their fallacies out.

Uganda will not be recanting their stance, nor is the Ugandan president about to get back into lockstep with the globalist agenda.

‘Its always a question of new forms of inclusion and exclusion. Discrimination and non-discrimination at the very best you are going to be discriminating against discriminators; you are going to be excluding against those you exclude; you’re going to be bigoted towards bigots and that’s exactly the absurd contradiction inherent in wokeness…let’s teach Uganda that it is wrong to punish people with different social norms by in turn punching people with different social norms.’ Dr Steve Turley

The ancient Mystery Religion of Mithraism, sun-worship was an oligarchical system keeping the masses on track by crook or flail. Mithraism went through a rebranding in the 1800s. The New Age Movement, created by the likes of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and their ilk undertook a long march through Christianity. In a matter of a couple of decades a spiritually hungry West, successfully guided by Osiris crook, accepted a modern exoteric form of sun-worship.

The elitist esoteric beliefs are still held by insiders in the 21st century. So, it is of no surprise that Mithraism is the philosophical seat of the United Nations. Every U.N. building around the world has an Alice Bailey esoteric library.

A U.N. change agent Robert Muller is called the Father of Global EducationProphet of Hope had undemocratic plans to integrate New Age Spirituality, defined by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, with the political/culture scene during the latter half of the 20th Century. This opened the way for the U.N. to focus on things spiritual, inviting a large New Age influence, as a crook, to be represented in the writing of consequent treaties.

Today the ruling class is slicker in their covert manipulation, polarisation and vilifying of people groups, gaining power, before, very soon, springing forth from under the veil returning the world back to the Dark Ages.

As Osiris (Nimrod) was to Babel, Pharaoh to ancient Egypt, Emperor to pre-WWII Japan, Caesar to Pagan Rome, today the Pope waits for his turn to hold absolute despotic power.

‘I alone… am the successor of the apostles, the vicar of Jesus Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life…’ Pope Pius IX, History of the Christian Church, by Henry Charles Sheldon, P.59

‘We   declare,  say,  define,   and   pronounce,    that  it  is  absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.’ Pope Boniface VIII, Bull “Unam Sanctum,” cited in Apostolic Digest, Book V: The Book of Obedience

Invested popes, modern day pharaohs, believe they are the personification of Osiris on earth.  Rome is trying to get temporal power back from We the People that we won in 1517 Reformation led by the German Martin Luther. The papacy can’t just take it as the world would see the hijack and recognise U.N. crook led outcomes. The U.N. is the Jesuit run Vatican shop window where their nefarious modern rebirth of their One world sun worshipping religion is making its long march through the nations.

In 1964 The papacy became The Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations at the U.N., even though the pope and his Vatican State is not a U.N. member. The Pontiff submits to no man (except the Black Pope) or organisation. As the U.N.’s primary aim is to bring in a one world religion with the papacy as the one world ruler, this “back-seat” approach makes sense.

‘We must move as quickly as possible to a one world government; a one world religion; under a one world leader.’ Robert Muller

In the early 2000s Pope Francis became the spiritual spokesman for all peoples of the world, without We the People being consulted. Whatever statement or initiative comes out of the U.N., Pope Francis endorses, covertly wielding his crook to reclaim the earth. The fact that the Pope backs up all U.N. Initiatives, including the COVID bioweapon containing aborted baby cell lines makes sense when the big picture is understood.

‘…the Secretary General of the United Nations has invited the Pope to address this distinguished assembly of nations. In my own name, and that of the entire Catholic community, I wish to express to you, Mr Ban Ki-moon, my heartfelt gratitude.’ Pope Francis 2015

‘Do not worry if not all religions will join the United Religions Organization. Many nations did not join the U.N. at its beginning, but later regretted it [via the flail, i.e., denial of services and bullying] and made every effort to join. It was the same with the European Community and it will be the case with the world’s religions because whoever stays out or aloof will sooner or later regret it.’ Robert Muller, former Secretary General of the UN, occultist, Student of Alice Bailey, author of Common Core Curriculum

Pope Francis wears his Mithraic silver cross, thereby claiming Pharaoh status – hidden in plain sight. A clear proclamation of a one world leader and all the tyranny that is associated. Overtly Pharaoh bore a crook and flail in his hands, today crossed arms alone is enough to signal to the insiders holding esoteric knowledge.

Exoterically we are to believe the central figure on the cross is David the shepherd boy, representing the pope as the good shepherd. Although his flock of sheep can be seen behind him, the figure’s crossed arms are the giveaway to the esoteric. He is Osiris aka satan/lucifer typically presenting himself with crossed arms. An “X” or a vertical line crossed horizontally (usually slightly arched), is a clear symbol of Osiris.  Pharaoh was buried in a sarcophagus remembered as Osiris with crossed arms.

The Black Pope, superior General of the Jesuit Order, and white Pope who comes under his authority, are the yin and yang, having crossed arm symbolism.

In obedience to Pharaoh/Papacy nations puppet governments rule with the crook by way of Acts, legislations and mandates; often put through parliament late at night when good people are in bed, or during lockdown when physical protest in the street is considered illegal. For those who do not obey emergency mandates the flail is procured – arrests, convictions through Vatican court system, then finally incarcerated in privately-run profit-making prisons.

‘Then the [KJV] Bible, that serpent with head erect and eyes flashing fire, threatens us with its venom [exposes the Son of Perdition] whilst it trails along the ground, shall be changed again into a rod, as soon as we are able to seize [revamped to the NIV, NKJ, ESV etc.]; and what wounds will we not inflict with it upon these harden Pharaohs and their cunning magicians.’ The Secret Plan, (Jesuit plot against the King James Bible) Abbate Leone (1825)

‘The actions that these [Jesuit run] secret societies have propagated through the last century or so have only led to wars, rebellion, dissention, depressions [in line with the Jesuit oath against the West or any nation that shows independence] …’ Jim Marrs, American Newspaper Journalist and Author

We the People will win the day if we understand the big picture and see what is going on; if we have the will to do so. Time to boycott and buycott.

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